
Un intercambio estudiantil es en sí mismo un cúmulo de nuevas vivencias, e implica un intercambio académico y cultural.

El programa internacional de estudios en Canadá ha sido diseñado para que nuestros alumnos convivan con jóvenes tanto canadienses como de diversas latitudes del mundo, con la idea principal de que refuercen sus conocimientos de inglés, que amplíen su cultura y se diviertan en un ambiente seguro y de aprendizaje efectivo, en un país con el más alto nivel educativo a nivel mundial.

El hecho de vivir temporalmente en otro país enriquece al alumno, lo involucra con una cultura nueva. Consecuentemente, la experiencia se inscribe dentro de un aprendizaje que va más allá del académico, que se relaciona con las costumbres y la vida cotidiana de un país casi totalmente desconocido.

El objetivo fundamental de Ox School al realizar este intercambio es mejorar el inglés, aprender sobre la cultura canadiense, hacer amigos y prepararlos para el éxito en programas internacionales, a través de un sistema educativo de la más alta calidad a nivel  mundial, en un ambiente seguro, con gran diversidad cultural que les dará a los jóvenes una de las mejores experiencias de su vida.

Nuestro programa internacional en Canadá cuenta con 12 años de experiencia y durante un mes los estudiantes se integran a un High School y a una familia canadiense, que está supervisado por el Programa Internacional de River Side School Board y Ox School en donde nos aseguramos que el alumno se sienta bienvenido, cómodo y seguro.

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· Promedio académico de 8.5 · Buena Conducta
· Pasaporte vigente · Firmar solicitud y reglamentos



A continuación, podrás  constatar algunas opiniones de los alumnos que ya han vivido esta experiencia:

"Canada trip was an awesome experience and changed my way of seeing things, washing my clothes, living somewhere I didn’t know before, taking the bus to school, meeting new people, speaking other language all the time was a challenge. I learned about other culture, about other people and how to be independent. I think that this was an awesome experience that I had the chance to experience and that every one should have".

- Lizz Ayala
Canada Trip 2010.


"Going to Canada was an unforgettable experience, it’s such a different culture, I think that in the future it is going to help me to use what I saw and learned of another country and people in my own country to make things better, because I saw many good things that I can apply here to have a better Mexico".

- Valeria Michelle Aldape Garza
Canada Trip 2011.


"The teachers at all schools felt that the students were: well prepared, interested in learning, respectful and taking part in classroom activities.  The teachers and students at the schools enjoyed having the Ox School students. The youngest students were treated as revered guests by the school and students. They were great in academic issues. they were wonderful in disciplinary issues. The large size of the high schools can be overwhelming, but the students quickly adjusted. Class participation was very good and left the teachers impressed and looking forward to next year’s group arrival.

We thoroughly enjoyed having your students here again this year. And we look forward to them coming already next year".

- Sandi Piercy
Group Programs Coordinator.
Victoria International High School Programs.


"Thanks to this awesome international experience, now I’m able not only to understand and speak the English language more fluently, but to get related more easily to new people. Also learning  from  a  new  culture, their people and traditions. I’d really like to have this opportunity and visit again this great country!"

- Iván Escamilla Rodríguez
Canada Trip 2010.


"Canada Trip was an experience that changed my perspective about many things. I learned how to meet new people with different cultures. I gained independence when having to travel and more along the city, I became more responsible and all of those things left me a new way of living my daily life. It was an amazing experience!"

- Eva Ramos
Canada Trip 2010.





Nursery, PreKínder y Kínder

Francisco Villaespesa No. 500 Col. Anáhuac, C.P. 66450
San Nicolás de los Garza. N.L.
T: 81.1505-1545


PreKínder, Kínder, Primaria y Secundaria

Ave. Manuel L. Barragán 303 Col. Rincón de Anáhuac, C.P. 66422,
San Nicolás de los Garza. N.L.
T: 81.1505-1500


Nursery, PreKínder y Kínder

Ave. Concordia 100 Col. Quintas de Anáhuac
C.P. 66059
General Escobedo, N.L.
T: 81.1505-1010


Kínder, Primaria y Secundaria

Ave. Sendero Divisorio 471 C.P. 66059,
General Escobedo, N.L.
T: 81.1505-1530

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